On-line консультация

Доброго дня.Уважаемый, Василий Иванович, есть ли у Вас методы лечения множественных врожденных пороков развития?Спасибо.Украина, г.Тернополь, Лидия. koluvan@bk.ruМножественные врожденные пороки развития:Клоакальная экстрофия мочевого пузыря .Аномалия развития позвоночного канала ( spinа bifida, meningocele).Атрезия восходящего отдела ободочной кишки; омфолоцеле, состояние после оперативного лечения – пластика омфолоцеле (23.01.14.), ликвидация кишечно-мочевого свища, терминальная колостомия. Full term boy (37-38 weeks of gestation).Birth weight 2760 g, height 47 cmDate of birth: 21.01.2014Diagnosis: Multiple congenital malformations: embryonic umbilical cord hernia. Cloacal exstrophy of urinary bladder. Terminal right colostomy.Congenital defects of the nervous system: meningocele of lumbosacral part of spine23.01.2014 Surgical Оperation: omphalocele plastic, elimination of intestinal-bladder fistula, forming of terminal right colostomyIn operation revealed extensive lateral fistula between the cecum and bladder, intussusception terminal part of ileum in bladder. There are two appendices in cecal localised on both sides (not deleted). Cecum continues to ascending colon, which ends blindly (atresia) at the level of the hepatic angle.Patency of bowel till the colon atresia is kept.Following parts of the colon are absent.During operation intestinal-bladder fistula was disconnected and sewn, ascending colon was mobilized, terminal end of it was taken to the abdominal wall as a terminal colostomy.The postoperative period was normal.

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